I want to try the Getup Potelet

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How do our customers use the Getup post straightener ?

Communities with a population of less than 10,000

Jonathan K.

Roads Department, Moulins les Metz (5,000 inhabitants)

I come to you to share with you my satisfaction with regard to the get up machine !!! Indeed, this machine allows us to be reactive on the intervention of the posts ! Simple and efficient, Getu Up post is our essential partner for the well-being of our street furniture


Technical services of the city of Palavas les Flots (6000 inhabitants)

It’s been more than a year since we received the « GetuP » to straighten posts. We are totally satisfied because it has allowed us to save on supplies and labor. And the work is done quickly.


Chef de centre exploitation régie voirie – espaces verts (Bordeaux Metropole)

Dans le cadre de la gestion du mobilier urbain et afin de réduire le remplacement systématique des mobiliers percutés ou tordus (et ainsi le coût d’achat de mobilier neuf), nous avons cherché le matériel le plus adapté pour redresser potelets et barrières.

Après avoir réalisé plusieurs essais, notre choix s’est orienté vers le Getup.

Cet appareil présente plusieurs avantages qui le rendent pratique, maniable et efficace. Son ergonomie permet de présenter facilement l’appareil au pied du mobilier à redresser, l’attache et l’ancrage sont très rapides, il n’y plus qu’à pomper.

Eric B.

Manager of the municipal technical center (Town of Essonne with a population of about 9000)

Following your demonstration, I would like to give you a feedback on the estimated profitability of the GetuP Potelet.

  • Cost of a technical agent 17,5€/H
  • Work in a team of 2, which makes an hourly cost for 7 hours of work at 245€ HT/D
  • Supply of about 5 posts/day about 70€ HT pieces which makes a cost of 350€ HT/d
  • Small supplies (sand, cement, asphalt, vehicle…) 80€ HT/d
  • Estimation of a day of installation at 675€ HT to 3375€ HT per week.

This estimate can largely increase if we change the crosses of ST André or other. In conclusion, the material is amortized within a week.

Communities with a population of 10,000 to 100,000

Jérôme N.

Technical service of the city of Mazamet (10000 inhabitants)

We are very happy to have purchased the GetuP Potelet because we have significantly reduced the replacement of bent posts thanks to this very easy to use device, it also saves us time.


Roads department of the city of Oyonnax (22 000 inhabitants)

We bought a post straightener at least 2 years ago. The device is very efficient, and the road service agents use it regularly. This avoids us to change urban furniture and to make earthworks and we make big savings. We straighten barriers / steel posts / aluminium etc.


Head of the roads unit of the city of Pau (77000 inhabitants)

For our city, the agents who use your equipment are very satisfied, at our level of supervisors and site preparers we have the same satisfaction because your equipment allows to perpetuate the damaged furniture which can be straightened

Communities with a population of over 100,000


Signage department – Aix-En-Provence (143 000 inhabitants)

We are very happy with the GetuP Potelet machine. It is very efficient.

Bruno B.

Responsible for the interventions of Angers City Hall (150 000 inhabitants)

This is a perfectly adapted equipment to straighten the posts. It is easy to use and solid. The after-sales service is also of very good quality.


Assistant manager, signage, Metz Metropolitan Area (290 000 inhabitants)

The GetuP potelet machine (which we call the « support straightener ») saves time and money for the community by limiting the replacement of folded supports. This device is compact and easily transportable, even in a light vehicle. It’s a real pleasure for the teams :)

James V.

Technician for Roads, Metropole of Saint-Etienne (375 000 inhabitants)

We are very satisfied with the GET UP that we bought in October 2020, it allows us to straighten a large number of posts, poles, barriers that have been damaged by vehicles. We use it almost every day, the agents find it very easy to use and better finished and more efficient than the previous model we had.

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