The GETUP POTELET is a patented invention that enables to solve any twisted street furniture issue such as bollards, road signs, barriers, bicycle stands and many more… Its functioning is simple and intuitive
The GetuP Potelet, a French invention
The GetuP Potelet is attached around the lower part of the street furniture element to straighten, by means of a flexible rope. Then the hydraulic jack is automatically positioned on the higher part of the element; the thrust power applies effortlessly till the straightening is completed. Gentleness and reduced speed prevent any damaging. Being simple and compact, the Getup is easy-to-use and compatible to any form of street furniture you could have to straighten up.
On wheels and intuitive, it’s a less than two minutes intervention by a skilled worker. The Getup is conceived to make the workers’ interventions easier. This is a light device, easily transported by means of all terrain wheels. The Getup Potelet doesn’t require any heavy plants or motorized machinery. No pollution results from the device, designed depending on current eco-friendly standards.
On parle du Getup Potelet
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